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Windows error 126

Printed From: Debenu Quick PDF Library - PDF SDK Community Forum
Category: For Users of the Library
Forum Name: I need help - I can help
Forum Description: Problems and solutions while programming with the Debenu Quick PDF Library and Debenu PDF Viewer SDK
Printed Date: 07 Feb 25 at 1:47AM
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Windows error 126
Posted By: NickW
Subject: Windows error 126
Date Posted: 15 Jan 24 at 1:58AM
Hi all,

I'm using v13 of the QuickPDF DLL, and I intermittently get this error when I call CreateLibrary():

Could not load DLL procedure DebenuPDFLibrary64DLL1311.dll. 
Operating system error code: 126. 
The specified module could not be found. 

The code in question works just fine most of the time, and is always invoked in the same way, but it occasionally hits this error. I know there are many possible causes of Windows error 126 - insufficient privileges, registry issues, Windows services, calling a 32-bit DLL from a 64-bit app... all sorts of things. I'm just curious to learn whether anyone else has seen this behaviour with CreateLibrary().


Posted By: Ingo
Date Posted: 20 Feb 24 at 7:38PM
Hi Nick :)

This isn't a common problem regarding QuickPDF.
It will depend on what's your system... Still 32 bit or 64 bit?
On a 64 bit system the 32 bit dll should be in the syswow64-directory and the 64 bit dll in the system32-directory.
Are there additional library versions anywhere on the system?
Perhaps a complete remove and reinstall can help...


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