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Future Support for QuickPDF

Printed From: Debenu Quick PDF Library - PDF SDK Community Forum
Category: For Users of the Library
Forum Name: I need help - I can help
Forum Description: Problems and solutions while programming with the Debenu Quick PDF Library and Debenu PDF Viewer SDK
Printed Date: 12 Feb 25 at 1:31PM
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Future Support for QuickPDF
Posted By: waynefulcher
Subject: Future Support for QuickPDF
Date Posted: 21 Jul 23 at 4:48PM
So this is not the first time I have seen QuickPDF get sunset by its developers. (For those who have been around since the iSED days)
But my question is do we know if FoxIt has any plans to "sell off" the source to someone or group who could possibly maintain the code?
Maybe make it an Open Source project somehow?

Posted By: tfrost
Date Posted: 21 Jul 23 at 11:41PM
Having seen several 'sunsets' elsewhere, and having also interacted with various Foxit people, my confident guess is that the answer is 'no', although I hope I am wrong about this. And it should also be noted that the source version of QPDF does not contain all the source. There's only sufficient source to build all the Delphi DCUs.  There are also 77 OBJ files in the 'source' delivery for each of 32-bit and 64-bit bit linking. There's no indication of where the source to the OBJ files can be found or how it might be licensed.

I admit that I speak from the position of having acted in time to safeguard my investment in QPDF over more than 10 years, and that I would not enjoy being in the position of not having managed to do this. But as someone who also creates, licenses, and supports software, I also have some sympathy for Foxit, who may not see justification for the continuing cost of maintaining and supporting legacy software which in some ways competes with their flagship products which command higher prices. My sympathy does not extend, however, to approval of how they seem to have left much of the QPDF user base out in the cold.

Posted By: Ingo
Date Posted: 24 Jul 23 at 6:18PM
Hi! I'm back from 3 weeks in sunny california :) 
My thoughts to this issue:

Foxit was never interested in QuickPDF - they had a similar product already.
The takeover of Debenu at that time was only intended to integrate Rowan, Karl and the most important people from Debenu into the Foxit team. QuickPDF was then left alive for a while because it was the baby from Karl and Rowan - unfortunately that was all :( 
Seems that we can use this platform for further helping each other but that's all i fear.


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