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set page scaling

Printed From: Debenu Quick PDF Library - PDF SDK Community Forum
Category: For Users of the Library
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Description: Discussion board for Debenu Quick PDF Library and Debenu PDF Viewer SDK
Printed Date: 07 Feb 25 at 2:13AM
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: set page scaling
Posted By: bjharada
Subject: set page scaling
Date Posted: 30 Jul 13 at 3:59PM
Hello All,

New to the forum and quickpdf.  I am a visual foxpro developer and have just started using quickpdf.

I've come across a problem where I have a PDF that contains company checks and need to print to a printer using the page scaling option of 'NONE'.  I know that I can change the print setup in Adobe to change the page scaling option, but we have other reports that are printed on the same printer and they require page scaling to page size.  I can't depend on the user to change the setting each time checks are generated.

I am using a 3rd party product (XFRX) to create a pdf from foxpro reports, and currently I am using the ShellExecute.PrintTo function to print the pdf.   

Is there a way via quickpdf, to set the page scaling to NONE regardless of the current Adobe print setup setting, and then print the pdf?

TIA for any help.

Posted By: mbabcock
Date Posted: 09 Mar 21 at 3:09PM
Hi.  I am a Visual FoxPro (VFP) developer as well and came upon this while searching for something else.  I see no one helped you.  I do have a question though:  are you able to use QuickPDF to CREATE pdfs from VFP via the REPORT FORM MyReport.FRX <clauses> command?  I cannot answer your question, sorry, but since you're also a VFP dev, I figured I'd ask you.  My alternate plan is to use XFRX for PDF creation.

Posted By:
Date Posted: 09 Mar 21 at 5:45PM
Hi Mbabcock,
No I have not used QUICKPDF to create pdfs from VFP Reports.  
I have been using XRFX for the last 8 years to create the PDF's using the VFP Foxpro 9.0 Report Listener class.  I have a need to create multiple pdfs for different reports but then eventually join them into a single pdf, so I create the xrfx report.pdf's in a temporary directory and then use QuickPDF to add, merge and create a single pdf from that temporary directory that can then be easily sent to a user.
Hope this answers your question.

Posted By: mbabcock
Date Posted: 09 Mar 21 at 5:48PM
Many thanks for such a quick response, Bob.  I have not (yet) used the Report Listener class (as I haven't come across such a need yet).  I too have used QuickPDF's tools to manipulate existing PDFs.  I just need to basically run my native reports and have PDFs created instead of sending them to a printer.  Would you mind sharing a small sample of your XFRX code to do that? We can take this off-forum if you'd like.  I'm at mbabcock at mbsoftwaresolutions dot com.

Posted By: Ingo
Date Posted: 09 Mar 21 at 6:00PM
Originally posted by mbabcock mbabcock wrote:

Many thanks for such a quick response, Bob.  I have not (yet) used the Report Listener class (as I haven't come across such a need yet).  I too have used QuickPDF's tools to manipulate existing PDFs.  I just need to basically run my native reports and have PDFs created instead of sending them to a printer.  Would you mind sharing a small sample of your XFRX code to do that? We can take this off-forum if you'd like.  I'm at mbabcock at mbsoftwaresolutions dot com.

The wide sharing of issues and solutions is the main purpose of a forum with an open community ;-)
Shall the next VFP-user shall search the same way you did already?


Posted By: mbabcock
Date Posted: 09 Mar 21 at 7:43PM
Ingo -- the code sample I was asking for was the XFRX sample, not your product.  Hence the request offline.  Or am I misunderstanding you?

Posted By: Ingo
Date Posted: 09 Mar 21 at 8:11PM
What means "not your product"?!
It's not my product - i use the library like you do.
This is a user forum here - so your issue can be interesting for other VFP-guys as well ;-)


Posted By: mbabcock
Date Posted: 09 Mar 21 at 8:14PM
To be clear, I'm all for Bob sharing the XFRX code to help others as well....I just figured the QuickPDF folks might not prefer that since it wasn't QuickPDF code.  

I have contributed code samples here in the past (I think?!?) showing how I use QuickPDF to open existing PDFs and parse out specific pages into a new PDF file.  Works great!

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