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Font Matching

Printed From: Debenu Quick PDF Library - PDF SDK Community Forum
Category: For Users of the Library
Forum Name: I need help - I can help
Forum Description: Problems and solutions while programming with the Debenu Quick PDF Library and Debenu PDF Viewer SDK
Printed Date: 12 Feb 25 at 2:42PM
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Font Matching
Posted By: chandy21
Subject: Font Matching
Date Posted: 17 Nov 09 at 5:55AM

I am having a problem where I cannot seem to match Fonts. I have 2 documents, Document A and Document B.

Document A is the QuickPDF Reference.

I am trying to build a new Doc in Document B using the Fonts in Document A.

The First Font is seen as "BitstreamVeraSans", and I save this to a Temp File, and Add it to Doc B from the File.

The next time I try to choose the Font, this Font is seen as "Bitstream Vera Sans" (with the spaces) so I do NOT match the name, and add it AGAIN.

The second time, the same Font is added with the name "BitstreamVeraSans" and therefore now matches.

However, when I get to wanting to use "BitstreamVeraSansBold", I Save it out using SaveFontToFile() and add it to the new Doc B using AddTrueTypeFontFromFile() but it ALWAYS gets read back from Doc B as "BitstreamVeraSans". The Temp file sizes are different, and the comments inside the Font File reference "BitstreamVeraSans" and "BitstreamVeraSansBold", but the FontName property is always "BitstreamVeraSans" in Document B.

How is the FontName generated when using AddTrueTypeFontFromFile()? Is there something obvious I am doing wrong?



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